Our successful day out in the deserted forest! 

What started out as a rainy looking Monday turned out to be a beautiful sunny one, which was good as we’d been invited to a play-date in the forest.

The kids were told just two hours before we were leaving, so that Ellie’s anxiety didn’t rise too much – though we did have worries about who was going to be there and that they would all look at us when we arrived!

After a couple of minor wobbles on the way we arrived at our destination – The Great Wood (sounds grand doesn’t it?) and I was both delighted and surprised to see it was absolutely deserted! Nobody there, nada! For the middle of the summer holidays this is quite unusual but it was such a help for Ellie.

After we had set up the multiple chairs, (we had more chairs than people) unpacked lots of play equipment and had a little food, all the kids went off to play ‘dens’ by the stream and had a competition of which group could make the best one. However, Ellie was still sat with us mums, not wanting to leave me.

After my persuasion failed, it took a couple of goes from another mum and then she did it… Ellie went off with her friend to join the group… which was out of our sight.

Whilst this isn’t a big deal to a ‘neurotypical child’ this was massive for Ellie. As she has got older, the anxiety has worsened. She will constantly check where I am at home (usually in the kitchen!) because she worries I will leave her – tempting as it is sometimes, that has never happened!!

To see our daughter feel relaxed in a group of children playing games out in the open (with no damn technology around) was joyful… and it gave me some much needed catch up time with the girls for a giggle and some inappropriate chat!

The kids were gone for a long while playing and Ellie only checked a couple of times. All us mums felt really proud of her – this was a big deal and a real confidence boost.

There was disappointment from the kids when it was time to leave – a sign of a good day out.

It didn’t take long however for the switch to negativity to kick in and five minutes into the journey home I was being accused of not letting Ellie play with her friends!! WTF!

Aaaaah, normal service resumed! It still didn’t spoil my brilliant day in the woods!

Until next time,

Love & hugs xxx

Author: Linda Meek

So, a few years ago I started a blog... mainly about everyday things... usually to do with Austism (Aspergers) and having a Tween with it. Then I had a four year break while I ran a business, then closed a business! With this new found headspace, I'm back! The blog has a new name and we've all moved on four years, but other than that, you will find much the same! Along with running, I blog as a form of therapy, and if I can help anyone out there, then all good. I'm a mother of a teen and now an adult (how the fcuk did that happen) and let me tell you, it doesn't get easier as they get older... it just gets different! As I approach 50 (less than two years to go), I give less fcuks about stuff... apart from the ever-growing bag under my right eye, the increasing resemblance I have for my Nan and the lack of tolerance I now seem to have for alcohol which leaves me often questioning my life choices! 🥂🍺🤮 I do hope you will join me for the journey!

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